Ввоскресенье, 18 мая, отмечается 70-я годовщина депортации крымскотатарского народа из Крыма.
Общекрымский молебен (дуа) по погибшим в депортации и митинг крымских татар прошел возле мечети в поселке Ак-Мечеть на окраине Симферополя. Он собрал более 10 тысяч участников из разных регионов полуострова
Как отметили 70-ю годовщину депортации крымскотатарского народа в Симферополе
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/c9a86569-c0a5-4066-8db6-3daeb7a71a82_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/fb8cd3f6-eead-4611-b714-07753b80b829_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/a9ffbc41-e8f3-4ae9-bf19-fe7daf868cc4_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/e3f3f7aa-9166-4c15-99ed-f9c920bf2f93_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/d9282c49-92c1-4f7a-a970-2aa964e456d5_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/98cac162-9760-4cca-8577-26b150a90594_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/49777428-a400-4261-8d19-9b2736239efe_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/8b78018a-b1a9-4517-8c60-2593e458ed83_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/eea28037-da26-4c45-9ccc-2357783e5ba5_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/347bd709-6765-4cf4-9c43-3a1ed5f21bba_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/9ec2ea85-ec59-4a8d-b40e-b64292fd0b96_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/5cebe1ff-8bc4-4ef9-8ef0-477ec9cec350_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/d853eda1-943e-44de-8915-af71a429db3a_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/afe1eb1d-2d49-4b8e-be2a-c2798e404abb_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Crimean Tatar people mourning rally on May 18 in Simferopol
![Head of Mejlis Refat Chubarov at the memorial meeting in 18 May](https://d1m59h6y83vhdp.cloudfront.net/27c42cbd-8c11-42c2-8c9a-c204317df9b0_w1024_q10_s.jpg)
Head of Mejlis Refat Chubarov at the memorial meeting in 18 May